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This is the first post that I am creating on this blog and I felt that a great way to start was to add some controversy. I will claim that aside all the smoke on Digital the end...the core principles of effective marketing remain the same:

  • Understand the needs and wants of the consumers in the market that you are aiming at
  • Identify and understand the competitors on that market
  • Based on this knowledge:
    • Identify your top target
    • For the top target, identify the top competitors to beat
    • Define the value (benefits for price) that you need to propose to your target, to beat those competitors
    • Define the positioning strategy that will support your value proposition for your top target
  • You can then and then only define your optimum marketing mix (Product, Price, Placement-Distribution & Promotion)...including your promotional mix which includes...Digital Marketing

So before you get to the shinny objects of Digital Marketing...a lot has to be decided and this is effective marketing 101

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