Friday, April 27, 2012 at 5:47PM
Jean Marc Rejaud in Marketing, marketing, planning
This is the first post that I am creating on this blog and I felt that a great way to start was to add some controversy. I will claim that aside all the smoke on Digital Marketing...in the end...the core principles of effective marketing remain the same:
- Understand the needs and wants of the consumers in the market that you are aiming at
- Identify and understand the competitors on that market
- Based on this knowledge:
- Identify your top target
- For the top target, identify the top competitors to beat
- Define the value (benefits for price) that you need to propose to your target, to beat those competitors
- Define the positioning strategy that will support your value proposition for your top target
- You can then and then only define your optimum marketing mix (Product, Price, Placement-Distribution & Promotion)...including your promotional mix which includes...Digital Marketing
So before you get to the shinny objects of Digital Marketing...a lot has to be decided and this is effective marketing 101
Article originally appeared on Shopper Marketing, Commerce Marketing, and eCommerce/ Omnichannel (http://www.focusmarketing.us/).
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