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Whether you are a student trying to grasp new marketing concepts quickly and efficiently to help you succeed in your classes or a professional trying to update your marketing knowledge in a short period of time, the up-coming marketing online courses and webinars from Professor Jean Marc Rejaud will be the perfect answer.


Professor Jean Marc Rejaud teaches many core marketing courses both face to face as well as online, where he shares with his students the core principles and concepts behind those disciplines as well as brings his students to a higher level of learning thanks to his researches and business projects.

Soon, you will be able to access the same expertise and knowledge through educational marketing webinars and online courses from Professor Rejaud.

The first topics will be:

  • Sales Promotions
  • Digital Marketing
  • Marketing Analytics

Short...To the point...Interactive...Leveraging the most effective Cloud technology tools...In the comfort of your home, those courses will provide you with the appropriate pedagogy and knowledge to help you trully understand key marketing disciplines.

More to come very soon!