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Professor Jean Marc Rejaud's students and consulting clients have experienced his passion and expertise in the application of data and information analysis to Marketing, with great results.

Jean Marc Rejaud is a Full Time Marketing Professor in the Advertising and Marketing Communications Department at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, where he teaches and researches new trends-best practices in Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications, Digital Marketing, Shopper Marketing/ Sales Promotion, Database Marketing, Strategic Marketing Planning & Marketing/Web Analytics.

Professor Rejaud is also an accomplished marketing executive (15 years experience with Fortune 100 American Express Company) with a vast array of international responsibilities (local, regional & global) and a Marketing-Web Analytics, Digital and Database Marketing consultant for many industries: Financial Services, Education Services, Music Promotion, Hospitality, Fashion, Marketing and Advertising Agencies, etc..

Professor Rejaud continues to make his constantly updated expertise available to businesses through his consulting practice as well as to marketing professionals and students through his online marketing courses.

Professor Rejaud is a member of many organizations and associations:

Professor Rejaud wrote several several articles on Database Marketing and is the author of a book on the application of information-driven marketing to music promotion: "The new science of music promotion: A unique DIY guide to improve your music promotion with the power of information-driven marketing".

Professor Rejaud is the author of a blog "Marketing Thoughts" where he shares his thoughts, analysis and impressions on many aspects of marketing, with a particular focus on information-driven marketing.

Professor Rejaud also maintains his expertise through conferences, consulting projects and certifications such as:

  • Integrated Marketing (Certificate of Completion) by the DMA
  • Soon to be completed Web Analytics Certification by the DMA

To find out more about Professor Rejaud's consulting services, go to his consulting pages.

To contact Professor Rejaud, go to Contact or email or call 7184144662.